Lavender Vanilla is a soothing bouquet of fresh florals and lavender blossoms, highlighted with warm vanilla bean.
Made in Lafayette, Indiana with domestically grown, natural soy wax for a clean, long-lasting and even burn. We use premium fragrance oils (approved by thousands of candle testers across the U.S.!) and 100% lead-free cotton wicks.
All candles are paraffin free, dye free, and cruelty free. This hand-picked fragrance is phthalate and paraben free.
For a limited time, all domestic orders ship FREE! Orders to Canada with a subtotal of $1,200+ also qualify for free shipping.
Orders are shipped within 1-2 business days or less after payment is received.
Shipping costs are based on negotiated UPS and FedEx shipping rates. Local pickup is available in Lafayette, Indiana (please reach out to to schedule a local pickup in advance).
More information.